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The Blog: p0or him... :(




Apr 9, 2011

p0or him... :(


i got bad new yesterday :(
not one but two...hermm...

bad news pertama mcm yg ditulis kst bwh ney...

credits to that page :)

pic ney purplekyu dpt dri mane da ta igt...maaf...

PS. Jadi ini alasan kenapa tadi pagi Kyuhyun tiba-tiba menulis di akaun twitternya “@GaemGyu: 미안합니다.. 미안해요” [trans: I'm sorry...sorry]

he dun nid to say sorry after all...

sssooo sadd... :( poor him...
dlu pon kne accident bln 4...

tp yg tu lagi teruk accident dye kan...

tp hryney dpt tau yg dye in well condition dah...hehe...
good news!^^

pastu ade satu lagi bad news kan...
tp gmbr tu blom edit ag...
n skrng tgh pakai lappy...takde photoscape kat cnie...

nnty bile dah pkai com...
bru upload bnde yg dikatakan 'bad news' tu...huhu...

k annyeong! ^^

purple note : ney ade List of top 34 idol most wanted as boyfriend [link] rsenyer bnde ney dah lame ta pe la...purplekyu nak ltk je...hehe...

f0r ReaDing ^___^

tekan like anda pasti jadi lagi cute dari adik anda

0 miRacLe! 0ucH! ^^: